
Posts Tagged ‘annoying kids’

I know I am. Let me alone, please. If you can imagine my pleasure at being finished with this semester of classes, go right ahead and double it. I amass books throughout the school year that I might read even one them given even a small window of free time, which, as you can imagine, never seems to open itself up for me. Therefore, I have hundreds of literary treasures with unbroken bindings upstairs in my library/solarium/cloister of a bedroom eager to shuffle themselves into line, one after the other, to be cheerfully consumed by me. I’m back to my old tricks again. Reading like a fiend, sitting outside on my parents spacious porch (when the neighbor’s children aren’t screaming at the top of their lungs in the back yard and making my life miserable. Did I tell you that a few days ago I had my window open and while I couldn’t hear my brother’s music blasting in the room beside me I could hear the shrieking and endless whining and crying of my wonderful neighbors’ whelps? No, of course I didn’t tell you, not yet anyway, but I thought that would be a great introduction to my donation of that unsolicited information. Oh, and about the mother of those runty little pups? Knocked again. Fantastic. Personally, I think people should just respect others’ space, and that includes not making so much noise that I can hear you over in mine. Thank you.)

Instead of shying away from my laptop lest I be reminded of all the tasks I have yet to complete before the semester is finally over, I am happily seated in front of my glowing computer screen, typing snarky and supportive comments on my friends status messages and Facebook notes, actually checking my school email, and resolved to start chipping away at the multitude of novels/short stories swimming around in my head by putting more of them down on paper instead of letting them run like reels of film in my head.

Welcome to summer.

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